Monday, June 30, 2008

There's something happening here...

What is going on behind the scenes in Washington? Our media is like an iceberg. For all of the information they actually reveal to us, there is a vast amount of information kept under the surface that they either can't or won't tell us. That's why, when a prominent politician- like Joe Lieberman, for example- makes a seemingly insensitive or dunderheaded remark like his recent blurb on terrorist attacks, I've got to ask: Where did that come from?
I mean, these guys are at the top of their fields. They're sharp. They're not just some guy at the local bar prattling into his beer. For this reason, Lieberman's remark about a terrorist attack likely happening because of the elections should get our ears perked up.
We should at least suspect that they know something about an upcoming event if they are not complicit altogether in such an attack. It is not beyond the powers that be to orchestrate such an attack to increase their influence and control. I mean, let's get one thing straight: they do not take their marching orders from the voters. They are working for someone else. If they have to sacrifice a few thousand of the people they have sworn to protect and serve to enhance their power, that is a price they are willing to make others pay.
There is a reason the writers of the Book of Mormon felt it necessary to detail the rise of the Gadianton Robbers and the downfall of Nephite society under their rule. Secret combinations have a hold of our government at the very highest levels. We can't afford to merely vote Republican or Democrat based on what they say in speeches or interviews. We have to vote by the Spirit. How else, amidst the barrage of campaign messaging this election year, can we know good from evil?
The Latter-Day Saints have long feared street gangs, the Mafia, and foreign syndicates for their secret combinations and the power they wield. Perhaps it is time we feared that smiling face on our TV screens running for president, representative, or senator just as much.

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